Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Andrographis Echioides(L.) Nees. (Acanthaceae).


Herbal drugs have been used as medicines for the treatment of various ailments since time immemorial and hence plants always have an ever green role in the health care system. Each and every plant is similar to a factory which has a ability to synthesize a sizable amount of unusual phytoconstituents which are highly complex in structures Plants are the only economic source of a member of well-established and important drugs. In spite of tremendous advances made in the modern system of medicine, there are still certain disease conditions for which suitable drugs are not available in the Allopathic system. Moreover, the modern system of medicine produces lot of side effects to the patients, Nowadays herbs have been the main source of medicine throughout the human history, about 25 to 30% of today’s prescription drugs contains chemical derived from herbs. Pharmacognostical evaluation deals with various parameters in order to substantiate and identify the plant for future work. This study establishes not only pharmacognostic and characterization of leaves but also microscopic and fluorescence analysis of the powder. These characteristics can be used as identification, authentication parameters of the plant

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