A Study on Serum Prolactin in reduced Bone Mineral Density.


Reduced bone mineral density is a universal problem of modern society; It may not be the commonest of all diseases, but it is sufficiently common to be Important. Osteopenia and osteoporosis are the two different grades of the Condition with the density being much more reduced in osteoporosis which is a Systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and micro Architectural increase in bone fragility that renders bone more susceptible to Fracture. Osteoporosis is now considered as a major health care problem in india With an estimated 50% of healthy women and 30% of men over 50 years Having low bone mass. It is preventable and treatable, but there are no warning Signs until fracture occurs. It is a silent risk factor for fracture just as Hypertension is for `stroke'. Hyperprolactinemia is found to be commonly associated with reduced Bone mineral density. The osteoporotic effect of excessive prolactin are said to Be due to hypoestrogenism, calcium mobilization from bone and direct effect of Prolactin on bone. By the year 2050, osteoporosis is likely to be a major demographic Factor due to changes in the life style and the increase in the survival rate of the Elderly. The incidence of fracture of the hip is likely to rise across the world to 6.26 millions and 71% of these fractures are likely to occur in the developing World. Therefore the determination of bone mass has to be done constantly. At Present bone mass determination is done only with the help of dexa scan. (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry). A developing nation like india cannot afford to diagnose fracture risk in The general population with the help of dexa scan due to the high cost. Therefore a test which will be less expensive and reliable should be opted for in Our country. As hyperprolactinemia has been found to be associated with Osteoporosis, determination of serum prolactin can be an useful assessment in The determination of reduced bone mineral density. Hence the interest Developed to determine this hormone in the elderly who are `high risk' Individuals prone to develop osteopenia and osteoporosis and the ensuring Complication `fracture'. The present study is to find out the association of hyperprolactinemia With reduced bone mineral density and plan preventive and treatment protocols To reduce the burden of osteoporosis on society

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