A Quasi Experimental study to evaluate the Effectiveness of Reminiscence Therapy on Depression among Elderly in Selected Old Age Homes at Madurai


INTRODUCTION: The old age is an integral part of human life. It is the evening of life. It is unavoidable, undesirable, unwelcome and problem ridden phase of life. But it is really interesting to note that everybody likes to live a long life, but not to be old. It is ironical that however undesirable the old age that is bound to life. A man is compelled to go through the pains and pleasure of this age as like other phases in life, before making exit from this mortal world. Reminiscence therapy for depression consists of recollecting of past life experiences which implicates the principles of cognitive therapy. However there are inherent difficulties in assuming from these studies that reminiscence therapy for depression is an effective treatment with the general adult population. Research hypotheses were formulated to find the significant difference between control and experimental group. The review of literature was done and organized based on Studies related to ageing and level of depression among geriatrics. Studies related to effectiveness of reminiscence therapy on the level of depression among geriatrics. The conceptual framework of this study was based on Widenbach’s helping art clinical nursing theory. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the pretest and posttest level of depression among elderly in both control and experimental groups. 2. To compare the pretest and posttest level of depression scores among elderly in experimental and control groups. 3. To determine the effectiveness of reminiscence therapy on depression among elderly by comparing the post test scores between control and experimental groups. 4. To find out the association between pretest level of depression among elderly with selected demographic variables in both experimental and control groups. METHODOLOGY: The research design adopted for the study was quasi experimental nonequivalent control group design. The study was conducted at selected Geriatric home, Madurai. The samples selected were 64, of which 31 samples were allotted in the experimental group and the remaining 33 were in the control group. The samples were recognized based on the inclusion criteria and picked up with Non probability – purposive sampling technique. Yesavage geriatric depression scale was used as a tool for data collection after confirming the validity and reliability. Reminiscence therapy was demonstrated to the experimental group only for 21 days in both morning and evening. The data obtained were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: ❖ Regarding the pretest level of depression among elderly in experimental group, 31 (100%) had mild depression and in posttest 5 (14.2%) had mild depression and rest of them falls in normal. ❖ Regarding the pretest level of depression among elderly in control group, 33 (100%) had mild depression and post level of depression level of depression among elderly in control group 33 (100%) had mild depression. ❖ Comparison of pretest and posttest level of depression mean scores among elderly in experimental group using paired ‘t’ test revealed that the ‘t’ value was 5.307 which showed a statistical significance at p<0.001 level. It was inferred that the reminiscence therapy was significantly effective in decreasing the level of depression among geriatrics. ❖ The comparison of mean post test score of level of depression among geriatrics between experimental and control group using unpaired ‘t’ test revealed that the ‘t’ value was 22.25 which showed a statistical significance at p<0.001 level. It was inferred that the reminiscence therapy was significantly effective to decrease the level of depression among elderly in experimental group. ❖ The chi square test revealed that there was significant association between pretest level of depression among elderly with the selected demographic variables like gender (p=0.0102), marital status (p=0.0051) and any medical illness (p=0.0012) in experimental group and control group and remaining was not associated with demographic variables at p < 0.05 level. CONCLUSION: Reminiscence therapy is a non-pharmacological psychosocial intervention for the treatment of depression. The study results revealed that, there is significant difference on the level of depression among elderly in experimental and control group. The study concluded that reminiscence therapy will decrease the level of depression and enhances comfort in elderly

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