Efficacy of T piece resuscitator Versus self inflating bag and self inflating bag with peep valve in newborn resuscitation: A Randomised control trial


The American Academy of Paediatrics formulated the Neonatal resuscitation guidelines and published it in 2010 and suggested modification based on local needs1 .These guidelines primarily apply to neonates undergoing transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life with difficulty. About 1 in 10 neonates require some form of resuscitation and fewer than 1% require extensive resuscitation 2. Ventilation of the lungs is the most important step for successful resuscitation. Ineffective ventilation is an important cause of prolonged or unsuccessful resuscitation. Effective resuscitation needs proper anticipation, adequate preparation, accurate evaluation and prompt initiation. The first minute of neonatal resuscitation is known as the golden minute where active steps are taken to ventilate the newborn lungs. Each step in resuscitation is performed for 30 seconds along with assessment of heart rate, respiration and oxygen saturation at the end of every step. The decision to administer positive pressure ventilation (PPV) is taken at the end of 30 seconds of starting resuscitation when the neonate is apneic or gasping or with heart rate less than 100/min. 1. Use of T piece resuscitator resulted in higher number of neonates achieving a Heart rate _ 100/min at 2 minutes of age when compared to self inflating bag and self inflating bag with PEEP valve. Hence T piece resuscitator seems to be more effective than self inflating bag and self inflating bag with PEEP valve in delivery room newborn resuscitation of babies more than 28 weeks gestation. This was statistically insignificant. A larger sample size may be needed to clearly demonstrate the advantage of T piece resuscitator over self inflating bag and self inflating bag with PEEP valve. 2. Resuscitation with T piece resuscitator achieves a Heart rate _ 100 at a significantly lesser time than self inflating bag and self inflating bag with PEEP valve . 3. T piece resuscitator and self inflating bag with PEEP valve enables a newborn to achieve significantly higher oxygen saturation at 5 minutes of age than self inflating bag. The effect is more pronounced in more than 34 weeks gestational age. 4. T piece reduces the number of babies requiring delivery room intubation, chest compressions and medications compared to self inflating bag and self inflating bag with PEEP valve though statistically insignificant. 5. T piece resuscitator reduces the number of babies requiring invasive ventilation but the effect is not significant statistically. 6. There is no difference in complications like air leaks between the three devices. 7. Provision of PEEP by T piece resuscitator or self inflating bag with PEEP valve improves the short term outcomes in neonatal resuscitation but requires further adequately powered studies with higher sample size to test for statistical significance if any. 8. In settings where T piece resuscitator may not be available use of self inflating bag with PEEP valve could be an alternative resuscitation device in newborn resuscitation

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