One of main issues of developing big parking space for shopping complexes, office complexes
and other types of building that requires large parking space is to notify the visitors of occupied and nonoccupied
parking space. Most of the visitors might spending up to 30 to 45 minutes just to find an empty
parking space. In most recent technology, some parking lot system offered a system that could
automatically count when the car entering the empty car space and blocking an infrared signal thus
notify the system to count for it. However, this type of sensors actually has an increase of budgeting in
order to install and to be maintained. In this project, we have developed a unique solution by providing
cost effective solution by using Zigbee technology in parking lot system technology. Instead of using and
maintain cable that need to be installed at the ceiling of the parking lot, we developed a system that use
wireless technology of Zigbee and it could notify the visitors of empty and non-empty parking lot