A Priority Based Enterprise Architecture Implementation Assessment Model: An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach


Despite of many Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks and methodologies available, in reality EA implementation is a challenging process. In order to assure a progressive EA implementation, assessment and monitoring mechanism is required. The existing EA assessment approaches are mostly based on checklist or maturity model and designed to assess post EA implementation. Less EA assessment is found to cater on the pre and during EA implementation process. This indicates that the lack of systematic assessment mechanism, especially for pre and during EA implementation phase. Hence, based on the gap identified, this study proposes a priority based assessment model for pre and during EA implementation process. This integrated model of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is designed to assess the priority and capability of the organization in implementing EA. The assessment criteria were formulated from findings of an exploratory study. Six main criteria and 27 sub-criteria have been identified as the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in EA implementation. Based on these CSFs, a Priority based EA Implementation Assessment Model (PEAIAM) has been formulated and presented in this paper

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