Position and speed control of electromechanical actuator for aerospace applications


Težište ovog rada je upravljanje elektromehaničkim aktuatorom (EMA) za primjene u zračnom prostoru. Upravljanje EMA je ostvareno uporabom pozicijskog regulatora i upravljanja koje kombinira položaj i brzinu regulatora. Osnovna smjernica bila je smanjenje gubitaka snage, zagrijavanja i potrošnje struje u sustavu. Jedno od važnih područja u okviru pogona promjenljivim brzinama motora su operativne granice sustava. Danas se operativne granice pogona s promjenljivim brzinama motora postavljaju na osnovu operativnih granica pogona na bazi prosječnih vrijednosti, npr. ograničenjima struje i snage na preporučene vrijednosti. To dovodi do nedovoljne iskorištenosti sustava i velikih gubitaka korisne snage. U ovom radu, u prvom dijelu je predstavljen osnovni koncept elektromehaničkog aktuatora (EMA) i njegov matematički model, zatim je prikazano upravljanje položajem i brzinom elektromehaničkog actuatora uporabom PID regulatora. U drugom dijelu usporedo se daje prikaz simulacija vlastite konstrukcije upravljanja položajem i brzinom pomoću PID regulatora, uporabom SIMULINK-a u MATLAB-u.Main focus of this paper is control of electromechanical actuator (EMA) for aerospace applications. Control of EMA done using position regulator and control which combine position and speed regulator is shown. The main guideline is to decrease power losses, heating and current consumption in the system. One of the important areas within the field of variable speed motor drives are the system’s operational boundaries. Presently, the operational boundaries of variable speed motor drives are set based on the operational boundaries of single speed motors, i.e. by limiting current and power to rated values. This results in under-utilization of the system, and places the motor at risk of excessive power losses. In this paper, the first part represents general concept of electromechanical actuators and mathematical modelling of the system; then the control of position and speed of electromechanical actuator (EMA) by using PID controller is presented. The second part shows simulations of our own design of control speed and position by PID controller using SIMULINK and MATLAB software

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