A Simple and Rapid Determination of ATP, ADP and AMP Concentrations in Pericarp Tissue of Litchi Fruit by High Performance Liquid Chromatography


Razvijena je jednostavna i brza metoda određivanja masenog udjela adenozin trifosfata (ATP), adenozin difosfata (ADP) i adenozin monofosfata (AMP) visokodjelotvornom tekućinskom kromatografijom (HPLC) u perikarpu voća liči. Pri određivanju adenozin fosfata upotrijebljen je acetonitril koji skraćuje vrijeme postupka. Također je postignuta dobra ponovljivost (koeficijent varijacije iznosi 1,28-1,80 %) i obnovljivost (94,7-97,1 %). Koeficijenti korelacije s površinama pika u rasponu od 0 do 80 ng iznosili su 0,9946 za ATP; 0,9994 za ADP i 0,9974 za AMP. Ova je metoda primijenjena za određivanje masenog udjela adenozin fosfata u perikarpu voća liči pri berbi, pa je utvrđeno da je maseni udio ATP-a iznosio 27,4 μg/g, ADP-a 35,4 μg/g i AMP-a 7,9 μg/g, na bazi svježe tvari voća.A simple and rapid method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was developed to determine levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) in litchi fruit pericarp tissue. This HPLC method used acetonitrile gradient elution and shortened the time required for determinations of adenosine phosphates. This analysis exhibited good repeatability (coefficients of variation 1.28–1.80 %) and recovery rate (94.7–97.1 %). The correlation coefficients of ATP, ADP and AMP with their peak areas at a range of 0–80 ng were 0.9946, 0.9994 and 0.9974, respectively. This method was applied to determine levels of adenosine phosphates in pericarp tissue of litchi fruit at harvest. There were 27.4 μg/g of ATP, 35.4 μg/g of ADP and 7.9 μg/g of AMP on a fresh mass basis

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