Microbiology and Industrial Biotechnology of Food-Grade Proteases: A Perspective


Najnovija dostignuća u industrijskoj biotehnologiji omogućila su primjenu novih i neotkrivenih mikroorganizama i razvoj poboljšanih postupaka u proizvodnji enzima. To je povećalo prinose enzima i olakšalo razvoj djelotvornijeg industrijskog postupka proizvodnje. U ovom je radu opisana proizvodnja kiselih i neutralnih proteaza, osobito što se tiče proizvođača, postupaka proizvodnje i njihovih poboljšanja, te proizvoda i njegove primjene.Recent developments in industrial biotechnology have resulted in the exploitation of new and undiscovered microorganisms and the devising of improved methods for enzyme production, which have led to increased yields of the enzyme, thus making a viable industrial process feasible. This review tracks the developments in the field of acidic and neutral protease production with regard to the producers, methods of production and their improvement, the product and its applications

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