Using virtualisation to create a more secure online banking infrastructure


M.Sc. (Computer Science)Sim swop, Phishing, Zeus and SpyEye are all terms that may be found in articles concerning online banking fraud. Home users are unsure of how the configuration of their computers affects the risk profile for conducting online banking. Software installed by a home user on their computer may be malware designed to steal banking details. Customers expect banks to provide a safe online banking system. The challenge that banks have is that they cannot control the configuration that exists on a client operating system. The V-Bank system was designed to determine whether virtualisation can be used as a means to increase the security for online banking. The V-Bank system uses a virtual machine that is run from a guest that is single purpose, read-only and fulfils the configuration requirements that the bank has for a client system. The V-Bank system also utilises public and private key encryption for identification, authentication and authorisation mechanisms in the online banking system. The architecture of the V-Bank system defines online banking as an end-to-end system. It approaches online banking as a system that consists of three major components. The three major components is a client-side component, network and server-side environment. The V-Bank system gives banks the ability to provide customers with a system that is controlled from the client, through the network to the server. The V-Bank system demonstrates that virtualisation can be used to increase the security of online banking

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