
Errors and omissions and unrecorded capital flows and flight in Nigeria


One of the estimates of capital flight includes the errors and omission of the Balance of Payment which is been used to balance up the accounts. This study examines the significance of the E and O in the capital flows and flight in Nigeria. The main variables of capital flight and investment and financial savings among others were of concern in the study. The study adopts the paired sample tests and ordinary least squares techniques. It discovers that the e and o affects the statement and the veracity of the accounts in that the models that include it produce better and more significant results. Its main effect is seen in the role it plays in the investment flows where the figures become more significant with its inclusion. This calls for the adoption of measurements of capital inflows that in includes e and o in Nigeria. More importantly it calls for a higher level exactitude in correctly stating the sources and end uses of flows of capital in and out of Nigeria

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