植物纖維原料の醗酵精練に関係する微生物 : 第 5 報 大麻原料の熱処理の醗酵液に及ぼす影響


ペクチン質分解作用を有し, 或は有せざる特殊の好気性微生物を移植する大麻の集殖醗酵静練に於て原料を浸漬前に5分間煮沸水に入れる事に依り浸漬液の使用回数を延長せしめる事が出来る。之は加熱処理に依つて予め原料中に存在する雜菌の繁殖を抑制し, 耐熱胞子細胞の形で存在する有用嫌気性細菌(CL. SPHENOIDES SP.等)と浸漬の初回に移植した好気性微生物との共棲状態の下に浸漬液を長く活性に保つ事が出来るからであると推察される。We reported previously on the practical retting of hemp fiber materials by the inoculating the aerobic micro-organism either could decompose the pectine in the material or could not. We recognized on this retting that the steeping solution could not be used many times successively when the strain of the aerobic micro-organism was inoculated only at the first steeping, and the number of repeating times for the using of the first steeping solution was increased by the boiling of materials for 5 minutes before every steeping. On this effect, we suppose that the maltiplication of various microorganisms on the materials except the strains holding heat resisting spores as the strain of CL. SPHENOIDES SP. which is very useful anaerobic bacterium for the retting, is so strongly repressed by heating materials that the latters multiple themselves very actively in the steeping solution at the state of symbiosis with the inoculated aerobic micro-organisms

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