On the Influence of Temperature to the Germination of Zoosporangia of Phytophthora capsici LEONIAN


1. This paper deals with the experimental results on the influence of temperature on the germination of zoosporangia, formed on the fruits of pumpkin artificially inoculated with the fungus Phytophthora capsici LEONIAN. 2. The experiments were carried out by using a hanging drop of zoosporangial suspension on a slide glass enclosed in Petri dishes respectively kept at room temperature (11°-12℃), 16°, 20°, 22°, 24°, 26°, 28°, 30°, 32°, 34°, 36°and 40℃. 3. From the experiments the zoosporangia germinated with either zoospores or germ-tubes. The germination with zoospores took place between 16°and 26℃, with an optimum of 22℃, and that of germ-tubes between 11°and 36℃, with an optimum of 26℃. 4. Maximum and minimum temperatures of the zoosporangial germination with germ-tubes were similar to that of the mycelium growing on agar media but those for the germination with zoospores were somewhat different. 5. In these experiments, the germination with the germ-tubes was found to be more vigorous than that with the zoospores

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