
環境条件の変化に伴う作物の形質の変動性の変異を解析するために, 水稲10品種を3密度, 2作期, 2年次の計12環境条件下で栽培し, 諸形質の個体内変動量(内CV), 個体間変動量(間CV)およびそれぞれの環境間変動量(ECV)の相互関係について考察した。1)内, 間両CVの形質間差異はきわめて大きいが, 各々のECVはいずれの形質においてもほぼ近似した値を示し, 環境変化による両変動性の変異にはほとんど形質間差異が認められない。2)内CVはいずれの形質においても間CVよりも大きいが, そのECVにおいては逆に内CVの方が小さく, さらに分散分析の結果によっても, 内CVに有意性を示す環境要因はほとんど存在しないが, 間CVにおいてはいずれの環境要因もほぼ全形質にわたって有意性を示し, 変動性に対する環境変化の影響は個体内においてよりも個体間において大きく, 両変動性はかなり異なった反応を示している。3)一般に, 形質値と内CV各々のECV間には負の相関を示す傾向が認められ, 形質発現力の環境間変異が大きい品種ほど, 環境変化によるその個体内変動性の変異は小さい。しかし, 内CVと間CV各々のECV間には一定の関係は認められず, 品種別に検討しても, 全形質にわたって特徴のある反応を示す品種は認められない。Variations of variabilities of several characters in rice varieties were studied in relation to difference in environmental conditions. Ten rice varieties were cultured under 12 environments, and the interrelationship among the variabilities which occurred within a plant (Within CV), among plants (Between CV) and the variations of the respective variabilities in environments (ECV) were examined. As for the degrees of variations of Within CV and Between CV, little difference in characters was recognized, although the large difference was detected in both the CV per se. The Within CV was larger than the Between CV in all characters examined. On the other hand, the reverse tendency was shown between the respective ECV. The influence of environmental change was, therefor, larger to the variablilities which occurred among plants than to those within a plant. Negative correlations were shown between both ECV of character values and Within CV, but not clear relation between both ECV of Within CV and Between CV. From these results, it is concluded that both the variabilities which occurred within a plant and among plants respond to the change in environmental conditions by fairly different mechanisms

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