
Coix属の育成系統に対する直播適応性を検討した。1)直播区の種子発芽は, 室内播種に比べて発芽開始が約10日遅れるが, 90%以上の高い発芽率を示した。2)草丈の伸長速度は, 直播の時期にかかわらず密植区は生育初期に, 疎植区は生育中期以降に大である。移植区もほぼ同様の傾向を示すが, 移植時の生育障害により成熟期にはかなり直播より劣る。3)分けつ数の増加に対しては, 直播の疎植は密植に比べて分けつ期間が長く, 初期の分けつ増加量も大きい。移植区も疎植により分けつは増大するが, 移植時の分けつ停止の影響が大きい。4)乳熟期における草丈, 分けつ数, 生体重, 乾物重などは, 直播は移植に比し, 疎植は密植に比し大である。形質の変動量は概して直播が小さく, 移植ではとくに密植により変異が増大する。点播粒数については分けつ数, 生体重でやや多粒播種がすぐれる傾向を示す。5)草丈および分けつ数と個体生体重との間には, とくに密植区にそれぞれ正の有意相関が認められる。6)個体当たりの生体重は, 一般に直播, 疎植かつ多粒点播区がすぐれるが, 単位面積当たりの生草収量は, 直播の密植区が著しく大である。7)以上の結果Coix属育成系統の直播適応性はきわめて高く, とくに生育初期∿中期の青刈利用では, 密播かつ多粒点播が望ましいと考えられる。The present paper deals with the investigation on the adaptability test in direct sowing culture of improved variety of genus Coix. In the experiment, the growing process were investigated by means of planting in different seeding time, planting density and number of sowing seed in direct sowing comparing with those in the transplanting and analysis of several characters were culculated statistically in milk-ripe stage. The experimental result can be summarized as follows : 1. The sowing seed showed high germination percentage as above 90%, but the biginning of germination was delayed about 10 days compard with sowing in the glass house. 2. At the earlier growing season, in direct sowing and transplanting plots plant height in the densely sown plots was higher than that in the sparsely sown plots, but vice versa after that time. At the date of maturity, the plant height in transplanting inferior to that in direct sowing. 3. At the earlier growing season, the number of tiller per individual plant in the sparsely sown plot of direct sowing showed an incresed over that in the densely plot. But in the transplanting above tendency was ricognized at later growing season. 4. The mean value and coefficient of variation of plant height, number of tiller, plant weight and dry matter weight were calculated in the milkripe stage. These statistical values in direct sowing plots were larger than those in transplanting plots. It may be laid down as a general rule that the variates between plant of those characters in direct sowing were smaller than those in transplanting, especially, in transplanting the variates in densely plot showed an increased over that in sparsely plot. 5. In the experimental conditions en bloc, the high correlation between plant height and plant weight was recognized in densely sown plot, in the same way between number of tiller and plant weight. 6. In the sparsely sown and three sowing seed plot of direct sowing, the plant weight per individual plant showed maximum value, but on the yield (plant weight) per unit area, that in the densely sown plot of direct sowing was superior to that in other experimental condition. From these investigation mentioned above, it will be concluded that the improved variety of genus Coix are very adaptable as forage crop in direct sowing culture

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