Early Stages and Breeding Place of Culicoides arakawae : (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) (Agriculture)


(1)ニワトリを刺咬吸血し且つロイコチトゾーン病を媒介するニワトリヌカカの幼虫は水田表土中に棲息する事を発見し, (2)幼虫及び蛹の形態及び分類学的標微を明確にし, (3)幼虫及び成虫の出現状況を記述した。The present paper reports the discovery of the breeding place and the immature stages of Culicoides arakawae and may be summarized as follows : 1. The morphological and systematic characters of the larva and pupa are described. 2. The paddy-field is an important breeding place of this biting midge. 3. The seasonal occurrences of the larvae and imagoes are discussed

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