On the Ovary and Ovule Development in Nicotiana tabacum induced by α-Naphthaleneacetic acid


Few reports have been published concerning the effect of chemicals in stimulating the development of ovule and embryo. YASUDA (1940) reported that by injection of a growth promoting substance into the ovary of Petunia, when the stimulated cells were embryonic, cell division took place, while if the cells were fully developed, the growth of the cell-membrane alone was stimulated. OVERBEEK, CONKLIN, and BLAKESLEE (1941), testing many chemicals, in a wide range of concentrations, for their effect upon ovule development, reported that auxins injected into the ovaries of Datura induced the development of parthenocarpic fruits with enlarged ovules which contained pseudoembryos originated from the integuments. They suggested that other plants might be found in which similar treatments would stimulate the formation of true embryos. In order to examine the possibilities of artificial parthenogenesis suggested by the reports mentioned above, the present writer has carried out a few experiments in this line. The present report deals with injections of a growth hormone into the ovaries of Nicotiana tabacum L

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