中国内蒙古の沙地における緑化・造林樹種としての叉子円柏 (Sabina vulgaris) と樟子松 (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) さし穂の吸水傾向(林学部門)


中国内蒙古に広がる沙地上へ, 叉子円柏(Sabina vulgaris)と樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)の組み合わせによる緑化・造林を考えたときに必要となる基礎的なデータを得るため, これら2樹種のさし穂(切枝)の吸水傾向を, 44∿48日間にわたり調べてみた。いずれの樹種もさし付け直後に最大の吸水速度を示すが, その後叉子円柏では, どちらかといえば吸水速度は直線的に, 樟子松では指数関数的に減少していく。この傾向は苗畑でもガラス室内でも, また発根へいたるさし穂でもそうでないものでも同じであった。ただ, 吸水速度はこれらの場所のちがいや発根のあるなしで若干異なったので, これがどのような意味をもつのか, 樹種間の傾向のちがいも含めて今後検討が必要である。Water uptake of cuttings (shoots cut off from their twigs) of Cha Zi Yuan Bai (Sabina vulgaris) and Zhang Zi Song (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) were examined for 44-48 days, in order to obtain basic data which are essential for the afforestation of the vast sands in Chinese Mongolia using a combination of these two tree species. Maximum water uptake rate was observed just after their planting in both species, but the rate started to decrease after that rather linearly in Cha Zi Yuan Bai and exponentially in Zhang Zi Song. Different experiments performed at a field and in a glass-house or using the cuttings before and after rooting showed the same species-dependent decreasing tendencies, thought the water uptake rate itself varied slightly depending on these conditions. It is necessary to elucidate significance of these differences in the condition-dependent water uptake rate and the species-dependent decreasing tendency of the rate

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