Biomechanical model of interaction between ventilation and hemodynamics induced by mechanical ventilation


MUDr. Michal Otáhal Biomechanický model interakce oběhu a ventilace za podmínek UPV Abstract: Conventional mechanical ventilation provides gas exchange in conditions of respiratory failure by application positive airway pressure in the respiratory system. Due to the significant change in pressure conditions inside the thorax during conventional artificial ventilation the circulation can be significantly affected. Recruitment maneuver (RM) techniques can be a part of ventilation strategy in patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), that are used to re-aerate collapsed parts of the lung parenchyma. During these RMs a significantly higher airway pressure is used than in protective ventilation strategy, which can limit the flow through the lung capillary network and can significantly affect the systemic hemodynamics of the patient. The aim of this work was to develop an optimized animation model of ARDS, then to compare the influence that has the application of different types of recruitment maneuvers on hemodynamics and to create a biomechanical simulation model of interaction and blood circulation and its verification with data obtained during the implementation of different types of RM in the experimental animal ARDS model. Results from the experimental animal model and simulations..

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