The Law of the European Union


The Law of the European Union, Second Edition, has been consolidated from the two volumes of the first edition to form a single, updated volume. This casebook examines the law of the European Union under the Lisbon Treaty, which came into effect in December 2009. Part I of the book covers Historical Developments (from the EEC to the EU); Founding Values and Constitutional Principles; Institutions and Law Making Procedures; Sources of Law; Court Structure; European Union Law and National Legal Orders; Preliminary Rulings; Judicial Review; Enforcement: Actions against States; Liability of the EU and States; Justice and Fundamental Rights; and External Relations-Foreign Policy and Security. Part II covers Single/Common Market; Circulation of Goods; Movement of Persons; Workers; Establishment and Services; Movement of Capital; External Commercial Policy; Competition; Mergers; State Aids; Intellectual Property; and The Euro and Consumer Protection.

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