Inequalities concerning polar derivative of polynomials


In this paper we obtain certain results for the polar derivative of a polynomial p(z)=cnzn+j=μncnjznjp(z) = c_nz^n +\sum_{j=\mu}^n c_{n-j}z^{n-j}, 1μn1\leq\mu\leq n, having all its zeros on z=k|z| = k, k1k\leq 1, which generalizes the results due to Dewan and Mir, Dewan and Hans. We also obtain certain new inequalities concerning the maximum modulus of a polynomial with restricted zeros. [Editor's note: There are flaws in the paper, see M. A. Qazi, Remarks on some recent results about polynomials with restricted zeros, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sect. A 67 (2), (2013), 59-64

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