Particle-Size Distribution in Soils in Various Ground Moraine Catenas in The Masurian Lakeland


The aim of the work has been to compare the particle-size distribution in the soils of two catenas located in two mesoregions in the Masurian Lakeland and formed within two phases of the Vistula Glaciation. The studied catenas are located in the Olsztyn Lakeland within the Pomeranian phase (Pierwągi catena) and the Mragowo Lakeland within the Poznan phase of the Vistula Glaciation (Linowo catena). The soil sequence in the catenas was as follows: Haplic Cambisol (Eutric) – Mollic Gleysol (Colluvic) – Umbric Gleysol – Limnic Sapric Histosol. In 34 soil samples collected from genetic horizons, the particle size was analysed as well as sedimentological and granulometric indices were calculated. The soils of the two studied catenas (except for two soil horizons) had similar texture of sandy loam. The translocation of the silt fraction occurred down the slope. The soils located in land depressions contained 40% more of the silt fraction than the soils on the summit of the slope. This process was not noted for the clay fraction. The studied soils were weakly and very weakly sorted and were variously sedimented in different environments. The soils formed from postglacial loam had a smaller mean grain diameter (up to 0.051 mm) than the soils formed from colluvialdeposits. Among the studied granulometric fractions, fine and very fine sand prevailed

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