Easing Operative User Steering through Website Construction Development


Designing well-Construction websites to facilitate Operative user Steering has long been a challenge. A primary reason is that the web developers’ understanding of how a website should be Construction can be considerably different from that of the users. While various methods have been proposed to re link web pages to improve navigability using user Steering data, the completely reorganized new Construction can be highly unpredictable, and the cost of disorienting users after the changes remains unanalyzed. This paper addresses how to improve a website without introducing substantial changes. Specifically, we propose a mathematical programming model to improve the user Steering on a website while minimizing alterations to its current Construction. Results from extensive tests conducted on a publicly available real data set indicate that our model not only significantly improves the user Steering with very few changes, but also can be Operatively solved. We have also tested the model on large synthetic data sets to demonstrate that it scales up very well. In addition, we define two evaluation metrics and use them to assess the performance of the improved website using the real data set. Evaluation results confirm that the user Steering on the improved Construction is indeed greatly enhanced. More interestingly, we find that heavily disoriented users are more likely to benefit from the improved Construction than the less disoriented users

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