1. First of the feathers: soldiers and suffragettes 2. Flight and refuge - Folkestone welcomes all


1. It is 1918 and the fight for female suffrage has been partly won. A woman reflects on her own role, campaigning for votes for women, while handing out white feathers to young men on Folkestone Leas during World War 1. This immersive dramatization will explore the possible motivation behind women’s political action between 1914 and 1918, and the impact this had on a generation of men. Suffrage campaigners often disagreed on strategy and policy, and their political views ranged from liberal pacificism to enthusiasm for eugenic selection. School participants will take opposite sides in these highly contentious debates, as the suffragette demands their support, and wants to know why some of them are not in uniform. 2.An exhibition at Folkestone Museum and curated by a local sixth form student, based on research into the Belgian refugee presence in Folkestone during WW1. The exhibition asks why an event so fundamental to our local history remains unknown to so many? Exploring the extent to which the Folkestone community welcomed their neighbours from across the channel in a time of need, the exhibition draws parallels with the modern day immigration crisis, helping to assess how our response to refugees may have changed

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