Pilot3 D5.1 - Verification and validation plan


This deliverable provides the methodological framework which will enable the execution of the verification and validation activities. The actions defined within framework plan will support the incremental development of the prototype based on the principle of Agile paradigm. The verification defines all activities that will ensure the thorough test of different prototype versions, while validation will assess the functioning hypotheses addressing the operational benefits of the tool. The validation campaign will be done primarily through the interaction with the internal and external experts to capture their feedback. The deliverable presents the five-level hierarchy approach on the definition of experiments (scenario and case studies) that ensures the flexibility and tractability in their selection through different versions of prototype development. The deliverable also details the organisation and schedule of the internal and external meetings, workshops and dedicated activities along with the specification of the questionnaires, flow-type diagrams and other instruments which aims to facilitate the validation assessments

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