Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Red Lake Falls area, Minnesota


Seven formations are present along a 50-mile stretch of the Red Lake River in Pennington, Red Lake, and Polk Counties, Minnesota. Five formations are largely glacial, sediment, and two are largely lacustr1ne sediment deposited during phases of Lake Agassiz. The Gervais Formation (pre-Wisconsinan or early Wisconsinan) is mostly fluvial or lacustrine sediment modified by glacial ice of unknown source. The Marcoux Formation (pre Wisconsinan or Wisconsinan) is largely sediment deposited by glacial ice that advanced from the northeast over the Canadian Shield. The St. Hilaire. Formation (Wisconsinan) is mainly sediment deposited by glacial ice that advanced from a western or northwestern source. The Red Lake Falls Formation (late Wisconsinan) is mostly sediment deposited by glacial ice advancing from the north or northwest. The Wylie Formation (late Wisconsinan) is lacustrine sediment deposited during an early phase of Lake Agassiz. The Huot Formation (late W1scons1nan) is largely sediment deposited by glacial ice advancing from the north, down the axis of the Red River Valley. The Sheraok Format1on (Holocene) 1s lacustrine sediment deposited during the last phase of Lake Agassiz. These formations are correlated with glacial sediment present in northwestern North Dakota, the subsurface of the Red River Valley, western Minnesota, and southwestern Minnesota

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