Effects of Microwave Radiations on the Morphological and Biochemical Aspects of some Economically Important Herbs


The purpose of present work was to observe the effects of microwave radiation on some economically important herbs  by treating them with microwaved water. Plants studied were Brassica campestris, Lycopersicon esculentum, Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Portulaca grandiflora, Solanum melongena and Zinnia elegans. The results showed that microwave treated water and warm water both inhibited the growth of treated plants as there was significant decrease in the root and shoot length, diameter, fresh and dry weight, reduction in chlorophyll content, leaf area and enzyme activity of peroxidases which was also altered in all the treated plants. It was reported that the microwave radiations were harmful to treated plants and therefore the use of microwave appliances for heating purposes can affect the biochemical nature of food and ultimately can have an affect on human health

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