Three New Records of Orobanche (Orobanchaceae) to the Flora of Iraq


Three species of Orobanche L., O. alba Stephan ex Willd., O. caryophyllacea Sm. in Trans, and O. reticulata Wallr. were recorded for the first time to the flora of Iraq. O. alba is collected from Chah-Maka village, after Sheomersy from Zalan junction in Sulaimanyia District (MSU), it is parasitized on Vicia monantha. O. caryophyllacea is collected from Pira-Magron mountain (MSU), it is parasitized on Galium sp. (Rubiaceae) and O. reticulata is collected from Pera-Magron and parasitized on Vicia monantha. Key to the species, description, habitat, distribution map and photographs  were provided.

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