Empirical Study on Effect of Employee Engagement to Achieve Maximum Customer Satisfaction in the Airline Industry – A Case Study of Etihad Airlines


As we talk; volume of businesses taking place within the aviation sector is increasing at an overwhelming rate. As a result, competition among various airline organizations across the world is becoming a subject worth not to debate. We all agree that financial strength is a paramount prerequisite for airline companies, being a gate pass to the deepening competition in the market. In the year 2003, Etihad airline kicked off its operations. To a layman, the span duration between 2003 and now might not be ample for this airline company to have secured much financial power. However, financial analysts beg to defer with this acclamation saying that financial strength is mandatory essentiality for airline companies. This particular research paper indentifies the  financial power of an airline company as the specific product being offered. The research paper goes on to highlight that it is impossible for an airline company to realize a successful sale of product supposing the clients are not satisfied. Therefore, airline companies have identified the essentiality of paying close attention to their customer’s grievances along with heeding to them in order to secure a competitive edge in the market

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