Evaluation of the Implementation Fire Emergency Response in Hospital of Jombang District


1087/Menkes/SK/VIII/2010 by using chi-Square test knowledge variable obtained p=0.000<α (0.05) have a relationship, tenure p=0.001<α (0.05) have a relationship, training and simulation p=0.002<α (0.05) have a relationship, emergency response organizations p=0.032<α(0.05) have a relationship, guidelines for implementation of fire emergency p value=0,032<α (0.05) have a relationship, and the identification of areas where fire danger p=0.032 < α (0.05) have a relationship, human resources in the field of fire K3 p=0.002 <α (0.05) have a relationship, dissemination and application of emergency procedures p = 0.002 <α (0.05) have a relationship, fire fighting team p=0.049<α (0.05) have a relationship, fire investigations and reporting guidelines p=0.032 <α (0.05) have a relationship.  While the results of observation inspection of fire equipment and infrastructure on the level of achievement of conformity obtained Apar (86.67%), fire hydrant (83.33%), fire alarm (80%), the detector (20%), and the sprinkler (0%), due to the tool is not installed in the hospital, where gathered (100%), emergency lighting (80%), emergency stairs (30%), user sign exit (16.67%) and emergency exit (0%).The decision of  Health minister of Indonesia Republic Number 1087/MENKES/SK/VIII/2010 about health standard and work safety in hospital, point out that one of the health program and work safety to be performed in a hospital is the development of emergency management which aim to avoid the risk of fire hazards that can cause physical damage to buildings, disability and even death for the occupants (patients) belonging to physical weakness, visitors and workers who present in hospital environment. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of fire emergency in Jombang Hospitals District on the fulfillment of standards based the decision of Health minister of Indonesia Republic Number.1087/Menkes/SK/VIII/2010 on occupational safety and health standards in hospital. This study is an observational study with cross sectional approach where the sample was determined by using simple random sampling method in which each member of the population being randomly and have equal opportunity to be sampled, so that the number of samples obtained as many as 68 people. The data collected by using questionnaires, observation and inspection of creating check list in the form of a list. Data processing is performed by means of descriptive analysis and correlation analysis by using the chi-square test. The result of study obtained from  68 respondents to the evaluation of the implementation of the fire emergency response toward on the fulfillment of standards based on the decision of health minister of Indonesia republic numbe

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