
Abstrak— In the evaluation is one important of aspectimprove as service of institution. By knowing to results of theevaluation of service the satisfaction to institution to have areference in determining and to improve the serviceperformance of University. Universitas Pembinaan MasyarakatIndonesia (UPMI) is one of institution (PTS), it is necessary toevaluation of service the satisfaction student. UniversitasPembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia (UPMI) is an educationinstitution, have six faculty: (i) Faculty of Law, (ii) Faculty ofEconomics, (iii) Faculty of Administration, (iv) Faculty ofEngineering, (v) Faculty of Agriculture, and (vi) FacultyTeaching Education.The sum of students in Universitas Pembinaan MasyarakatIndonesia (UPMI) have two thousand eight hundred andnineteen student should be give priority to improve the quality ofservices in order to compete with the other university. To obtaina good evaluation, in method of required an appropriate theevaluation process data so the evaluation results can be gooddescribe of the actual situation or reality.The core of fuzzy evaluation is membership degreetransformation. But the existing transformation methods shouldbe questioned, because redundant data in index membershipdegree is also used to compute object membership degree, whichis not useful for object classification. The new algorithm is: usingdata mining technology based on entropy to mine knowledgeinformation about object classification hidden in every index,affirm the relationship of object classification and indexmembership, eliminate the redundant data in index membershipfor object classification by defining distinguishable weight andextract valid values to compute object membership. The newalgorithm of membership degree transformation includes threecalculation steps which can be summarized as “effective,comparison and composition”, which is denoted as M(1,2,3).The paper applied the new algorithm in the fuzzyevaluation of UPMI graduate student satisfaction.The paper ofdata from spreading evaluation questionnaire have eighthundred and forty-six students e then processed to use fuzzyevaluation of the new algorithm. Results of paper is thepercentage of student satisfaction information to classificate formof very satisfied, satisfied, fairly satisfied, not satisfied. Thebenefit of paper for Universitas Pembinaan MasyarakatIndonesia (UPMI) can be obtain initial information to improveperformance in all of the higher education institutions. Thepaper output is aims to generate a model of satisfactionevaluation and published of journal national acrrediated orpublished of journal ISSN

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