

Background: Currently, it can be said that there have been striking changes in daily living circumstances and there are also imbalances in dietary patterns like satiation etc and this in turn causes nutritional imbalance.Therefore, this time we paid attention to thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency—previously a Japanese national affliction. And we conducted an accurate condition survey of total thiamine concentration in the blood of University Students as a means of nutritional assessment.Method: The subjects were 328 N University School of Nutritional Sciences first year students aged 18-20 (39 males, 289 females). We conducted the following tests; —anthropometric measurement, blood examination including total thiamine levels and a survey using interview sheets relating to diet and thiamine.Results: The average ± standard deviation of total thiamine concentration in the blood was 42.8±9.5 ng/ml for males and 39.7±10.2 ng/ml for females and they were nearly within the standard value 21.3~81.9 ng/ml and there was almost a normal distribution. From this result, the number of individuals who had a lower concentration level of total thiamine concentration in the blood than the standard value was 5, all of whom were female. For each anthropometric measurement and blood examination value, the BMI for two out of five people was 18.4, and 17.1 (deemed as lean type) and three out of five people’s bone density was 82%, 80% and 80% respectively which is lower than the average value for the same age generation.Conclusion: The value of total thiamine concentration in the blood was almost in normal distribution. The number of people who had a lower than the standard value of total thiamine concentration was 5, approximately 1.5% of 328 university students. Others were within the standard value.背景: 現在、日常生活環境・習慣の急激な変化や、飽食などによる食生活パターンの顕著な変化と乱れが指摘され、栄養のアンバランスがもたらされている。そこで今回、かつて日本人の国民病とされてきたビタミンB1欠乏に注目し、栄養評価としての大学生の全血総ビタミンB1濃度の実態調査を行った。方法: N 大学管理栄養学部生1 年生18~20歳の328名(男性39名、女性289名)を対象とし、身体測定、全血総ビタミンB1を含む血液検査、食生活やビタミンB1に関する問診票による調査を行った。結果: 全血総ビタミンB1濃度の平均値±標準偏差は、男性が42.8±9.5 ng/ml、女性が39.7±10.2 ng/ml であり、ほぼ基準値21.3~81.9 ng/ml 内で、かつほぼ正規分布していた。このうち全血総ビタミンB1濃度が基準値以下の者は5 名であり、いずれも女性であった。それぞれの身体測定値および血液検査値において5 名中2 名のBMI が18.4、17.1とやせ型であり、5 名中3名の骨密度が同年代の平均値と比べて82%、80%、80%と低い値を示した。結論: 大学生328名において全血総ビタミンB1濃度が基準値以下の者は5 名(全体の約1.5%)であり、その他はほぼ基準値内で、かつほぼ正規分布していた

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