Changes in psychology and behavior that travel experience gave to hemiplegic people at home stroke


旅行経験が在宅脳卒中片麻痺者にもたらす心理的要因と行動の変化を明らかにすることを目的に男性3名,女性4名の片麻痺者を対象としたインタビューを実施した.半構造化面接によるインタビュー内容をKJ法に準じてデータ化し,最終的に10個の統合概念が抽出された.旅行前には「障害への負の感情と旅行環境への過重配慮」「介助者に対するジレンマ」「旅行の動機となる他者からの働きかけと環境への安心感」が,旅行中では「家族との絆を再び認識出来た喜び」「成功体験から育まれる自信と心のゆとり」「旅行で向き合う自分らしさ」「心揺さぶる体験から育まれる感受性と好奇心」が,旅行後は「死生観への気づき」「旅行で気づいた自分の現実課題と目標」「自分の旅行経験を他者に伝えたい承認欲求」が抽出された.片麻痺者において,旅行とは単純な内的構造による活動ではなく,複数の気づきや行動変容などを生じさせる複合的な活動であることが示された.The purpose is to clarify the psychological factors and behavioral changes that travel experiences bring to homed stroke hemiplegics. We conducted an interview for hemiplegic people with 3 men and 4 females. We interviewed by semi-structured interview. It was converted into data according to KJ method. Finally, 10 integrated concepts were extracted. Prior to the trip, concepts such as "negative emotions to the disability and excessive attention to the traveling environment", "dilemma for carers", "motivation from others to motivate travel and feeling of security to the environment" were extracted It was. While traveling, the concepts such as "joy of recognizing bonds with family", "self confidence brought up from experience of success" and "relaxation of mind" "self-facing to travel" "susceptibility and curiosity bred from a trembling experience" Has been extracted. After traveling, "awareness of life and death", "my real problems and targets I realized on my trip" and "desire to pass my travel experience to others" were extracted. In stroke hemiplegic persons, travel was not a simple internal structure activity, but it was regarded as a collective term for multiple activities that resulted in multiple awareness and behavioral changes.首都大学東京, 2018-09-30, 修士(作業療法学)首都大学東

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