Effects of floodplain structure on the dynamics of riparian forests in a mountainous region of central japan


This study clarified relationships between floodplain structure and riparian vegetation patterns, and examined effects of levee construction on vegetation dynamics in the Kamikochi Valley, central Japan. Development of riparian forests was controlled by the width of the floodplain, which was reduced by alluvial and talus cones from tributary basins. The disturbance regime in riparian forests was influenced by the width of the floodplain. Riparian forest stands were frequently replaced by young stands in river sections with a narrow floodplain, whereas forests were mosaics of different stand ages, including mature trees, in river sections with a wide floodplain. Levee construction on the floodplains altered the disturbance regime, reducing and degrading Chosenia arbutifolia habitats. Such long-term effects of artificial levees should be considered in river management plans

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