An Investigation on Education Planning and Its Impact on National and Regional Development


Education, especially at the basic level, is strongly and significantly considered as a substantially king-size key to the attainment of national and, in its broad sense, regional development. It empowers people, strengthens nations and promotes economic growth, national productivity and innovation, and also values of democracy and social cohesion. Investment in education benefits not only the individual and society but also the world as a whole. It has a direct and proven impact on the goals related reproductive health and also environmental sustainability. Broad-based education of good quality is among the most powerful instruments known to reduce poverty and inequality. With proven benefits for personal health, it also strengthens nations’ economic health by laying the foundation for sustained economic growth. For individuals and nations, it is key to creating, applying and spreading knowledge __ and thus to the development of dynamic, globally competitive economies. And it is fundamental for the construction of democratic societies. Keywords: education, national and regional development, economy, societ

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