Traditional conflict management initiatives in Africa: Wellness models for southern Africa and the Zimbabwean crisis


In this paper we acknowledge that people are inherently different, and conflict simply happens when those differences come to light. We argue that equipped with an appropriate conflict management process, people can explore and understand those differences, and use them to interact in a more positive, productive way. This paper is anchored on the argument that resources are scarce and thus people are bound to clash over their distribution. We view conflict as unavoidable. We are guided by African approaches to conflict management in which emphasis is on wellness, sacredness of human life, cohabitation and working together for progress and development. We argue that experience in the modern world has taught us that our understanding of conflict has a critical bearing on our response to its emergence. If conflict is considered to be inherently destructive, then our efforts are bound to be directed towards suppressing it. If we view conflict as normal and inescapable, then the challenge lies in managing it constructively. We argue that the major point about conflict management in Africa is the emphasis on resolving of conflicts amicably through elders, traditional leaders, healing and reconciliation rituals. Keywords: Conflict, management, ubuntu, wellness, initiatives, traditional, Africa. DOI: 10.7176/JCSD/47-07 Publication date: April 30th 2019

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