Century Company to Horace Kephart, September 27, 1918


In a letter to Horace Kephart on September 27, 1918, Century Company sends Kephart “The American Rifle” by Lieutenant-Colonel Townsend Whelen (1877-1961). Kephart ordered the book with the intent to write a review of it for “Outing”.THE CENTURY CO. 353 FOURTH AVENUE NEW YORK September 27, 1918. Mr. Horace Kephart, Bryson City, If. 0. Dear Sir; We have your favor of the 23d, with check for $5.00 enclosed, and we are forwarding you at once a copy of Lieut.-Ool. Whelan's "The imieriean Eifle." rfe think you will find this an exceedingly valuable work. We are pleased to know that you purpose to review it for "Outing," and shall keep on the lookout for your notice. Yours very truly

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