Development of a New Tool for Evaluating Postnatal Mother’s Satisfaction Following Nursing Care: In India


Few instruments are available to assess the postnatal mother's satisfaction with nursing care. This study tests the validity and reliability of Jipi’s postnatal satisfaction with nursing care questionnaire (JPSNQ).Descriptive design was used for the study .The sample consisted of 100 postnatal mothers who met the inclusion criteria and the sample was selected using purposive sampling technique. A structured questionnaire schedule was administered to the postnatal mothers respectively. The questionnaire was classified under six domains namely orientation, information, communication, comfort and care, specific to postnatal care and value and preference of postnatal mothers with the total of 39 items. The reliability coefficient of the tool was established using cronbach’s alpha method .Cronbach’s alpha is the most widely used method for evaluating internal consistency. The reliability co-efficient obtained for postnatal mothers level of satisfaction with nursing care was(r = 0.834) which indicated that the tool was reliable. The results demonstrated that the subscales within the scale are internally consistent, subscales’ Cronbach alpha ranged from 0.720 to 0.847. In addition, all subscales surpassed the 0.70 criterion for reliability and were positively and significant. An assessment of validity was made in terms of (content validity) which were obtained for demographic proforma out of the 10 items, 8 had 100% agreement and two had 90% agreement. Structured questionnaire   schedule on mother’s satisfaction: There were 39 items in the structured questionnaire schedule on postnatal mother’s satisfaction. All had 100% agreement. The newly developed questionnaire is valid and reliable to measures maternal satisfaction with nursing care in inpatient postpartum unit. Keywords: Development of Instrument, Postnatal Satisfaction, Nursing Car

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