Pollution Studies on Ground Water Contamination: Water Quality of Abeokuta, Ogun State, South West Nigeria


Changes in water levels in wells reflect changes in recharge to, and discharge from an aquifer. Generally groundwater is rain water or water from surface water bodies, like rivers, lakes or streams that permeate into the soil and bedrock and is stored underground in the pores spaces between soil particles. Groundwater pollution occurs when hazardous substances come into contact and dissolve in the water in the soil or on the surface. Groundwater is generally less susceptible to contamination and pollution when compared to surface water, naturally impurities in rainwater or surface water which replenishes groundwater systems, get removed while infiltrating through soil strata. In Nigeria, groundwater is used intensively for irrigation and domestic purposes, a variety of land and water-based human activities are causing pollution of this precious resource. Its over-exploitation is causing aquifer contamination in certain instances, while in certain others its unscientific development with insufficient knowledge of groundwater flow dynamic and geo-hydro-chemical processes has led to its mineralization. Adequate supply of safe and portable fresh water is an inevitable factor for socio economic development.  Although the recent global attention focuses on how the current and foreseeable water crisis and associated consequences would be addressed, quite a lot of factors such as  low level of education, insufficient budgetary funding, inefficient government policies,  drought are increasingly contributing to the pollution of domestic water in Nigeria. Keywords: Nigeria, Groundwater, Pollution, soil strata, Qualit

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