Cartographic data harmonisation for a cross-border project development


An essential support for environmental monitoring activities is a rigorous definition of an homogeneous cartographic system required to correctly georeference the acquired data. Furthermore, since the 2007, the European INSPIRE Directive (INfrastructure for Spatial InfoRmation in the European Community) affirms the necessity to harmonize the European maps for permitting cross-border analysis. For satisfying these requirements, the authors have developed a procedure for the cartographic harmonisation in the cross border area studied during in the European project ALCOTRA (Alpes Latines- COopération TRAnsfrontalière) – ALIRHyS (Alpes Latines- Individuation Resources Hydriques Souterraines). It concerns the hydrogeological study of various springs and other water resources in an area between Italy and France including their constitution in a cross-border system. The basic cartographic information is obtained from existing national maps (Italian and French data), which use different reference systems and are produced from different data acquisitions and processes. In this paper the authors describe the methods used to obtain well-harmonised middle-scale maps (aerial orthophotos, Digital Terrain Model and digital maps). The processing has been performed using GIS software or image analysis software in order to obtain useful and correct cartographic support for the monitoring data, even if the obtained maps could be further analysed or refined in future works

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