An Expository Study of Islamic Environment Law


Islam as a complete way of life has provided for the concept of protection of the environment over 1400 years before the world became increasingly concerned about the safety of the world we live in. the Islamic concept of environmental law is predicated mainly on the concept of the duty of the human being to ensure that he causes no harm to others and others don’t cause harm to them. The sharia principle does not end on only the individual safeguarding and ensuring that he causes no harm to the environment but extends to positive acts that will make the environment even safer than it was met. Upholding the concept of environmental protection under Islamic law is exceedingly important in the present generation in view of the fact that over two billion people of the world are Muslims hence greatly important in preserving and protecting the environment. The principle of environmental protection is likely to enjoy greater respect on the part of Muslims because the laws are that of the creator and the lord of mankind as taught by the messenger that was sent as mercy to mankind. The use of admonishment in enlightening people on the importance of protecting the environment needs not be over emphasized. The paper will therefore discuss the concept of environmental law under Islamic law. The advantage Islamic concept of environment law has over conventional laws in terms of observance by the believers will equally be visited, the role of admonishment in environmental protection and suggestions on how best this Islamic principles will be used for the good of all. Keywords: Islam, environment, pollution, admonishment

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