Orthogonal polynomials in badly shaped polygonal elements for the Virtual Element Method


In this paper we propose a modified construction for the polynomial basis on polygons used in the Virtual Element Method (VEM). This construction is alternative to the usual monomial basis used in the classical construction of the VEM and is designed in order to improve numerical stability. For badly shaped elements the construction of the projection matrices required for assembling the local coefficients of the linear system within the VEM discretization of Partial Differential Equations can result very ill conditioned. The proposed approach can be easily implemented within an existing VEM code in order to reduce the possible ill conditioning of the elemental projection matrices. Numerical results applied to an hydro-geological flow simulation that often produces very badly shaped elements show a clear improvement of the quality of the numerical solution, confirming the viability of the approach. The method can be conveniently combined with a classical implementation of the VEM and applied element-wise, thus requiring a rather moderate additional numerical cost

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