Evaluation of TCSC Power flow control Capability


In an A.C Transmission system power flow can be controlled by injecting a compensating voltage in series with the line. Thyristor Controlled series compensators (TCSC) are utilized as a conventional means for the purpose. This paper utilizes the steady state model of Thyristor controlled series capacitor and a unified power flow controller for series voltage compensation, and evaluating their range of power flow control for simple network. The models are incorporated into the existing Newton Raphson load flow algorithm. The iterative equations of the Newton Raphson load flow algorithm are modified by the device parameters and the combined set of power flow equations and the TCSC control equations are solved for convergence of the formula. Matlab codes are utilized for the implementation of the devices in the Newton-Raphson algorithm. Power flow control ranges are evaluated for standard 5 bus system. Results are reported and studies are presented to illustrate the power flow capabilities of TCSC. Keywords: Converters, Control Strategy, MATLAB, Newton Raphson algorithm, Power flow, TCS

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