
The hypochiloid spiders : a cladistic analysis, with notes on the Atypoidea (Arachnida, Araneae). American Museum novitates ; no. 2627


23 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 21-23)."A hypothesis of interrelationships of the primitive araneomorph spiders based on shared derived characters is presented. The genera Hypochilus and Ectatostica are regarded as sister groups and as constituting the sister group of all remaining araneomorphs. Three other genera (Hickmania, Gradungula, and Thaida) are sequentially considered plesiomorphic sister groups of the remaining araneomorphs. Sequenced and subordinated classifications derived from this cladogram are presented for purposes of comparison and evaluation. The family Ectatostictidae Lehtinen is newly synonymized with the Hypochilidae. Serrula morphology suggests that the superfamily Atypoidea is not monophyletic and that the Mecicobothriidae are more closely related to the Dipluridae than to the Antrodiaetidae or Atypidae"--P. [1]

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