The Two and a Half Learning Model: A Consequence of Academic Dishonesty


Academic dishonesty has been regarded as a problem but not a visible and declared one in every type of educational setting from elementary school to graduate level all over the world. Dishonesty or misconduct in the academic realm covers plagiarism, fabrication, deception, cheating, bribery, sabotage, professorial misconduct and impersonation. Whisper Campaign is another misconduct that is employed to spread rumors about someone in order to hurt that person's reputation or the systematic dissemination by word of mouth of derogatory rumors or charges especially against a candidate for public office. This paper presents how whisper campaigns run in the academic world with the help of the experiences the author himself has had. In other words, this paper exhibits the process and stages of experimental learning of an adult academician who has been exposed to a whisper campaign which leads to a model of learning under adult learning: The two and a half learning model. In this model, two and half colleagues design and start a whisper campaign that covers five stages: Targeting, Rumor and gossip, Slander, Complaining and Enlightenment. Keywords: Academic misconduct, Adult learning, Two and a half learning model, Whisper campaig

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