Performance of Internet Marketing As A Marketing Strategy For Private Colleges In Mombasa County


The research examined the performance of internet marketing as marketing strategies in private colleges in Mombasa. Initially accessing the internet was the biggest challenge but this challenge has since been eliminated, since the penetration of hand held devices that can access the internet has really improved. If the online products can be tailor made to appeal to specific target segment then there is untapped potential in internet marketing, this is because the value propositions of products and services offered in the physical world are essentially limited “point solutions” that meet only part of a consumer’s need or want while in the internet world the target market can be met on a one to one basis at a lower cost. Despite the increased literacy level in the country, reducing cost of internet services, and the penetration of handheld devices that can access internet, there has been low adoption of internet marketing by Private Colleges in Mombasa. It is against this background that the researcher aimed at assessing the performance of internet as a marketing strategy in Private Colleges in Mombasa County.The researcher aimed at exploring the performance of internet marketing as a marketing strategy in Private Colleges in Mombasa County. Descriptive research design was used. The data collection was undertaken through the use of questionnaires and interviews. Samples from the targeted institutions were picked to extract a representative data. In total four Private Colleges were surveyed to ascertain the performance of internet marketing as a marketing strategy in private colleges in Mombasa County. The data collected by the researcher was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences; this software was able to compute the frequencies and regression analysis required by the researcher. At the initial stage data was captured using excel then later exported to SPSS for analysis. This data was presented using tables and graphs. It is expected that several factors are likely to be found to influence performance of internet marketing in the aforementioned institutions of higher learning. The factors included connectivity to the internet, demographic issues such as education level, attitude towards internet by the stakeholders, cost of implementing such systems and resistance by institutions and user to change from conventional media to internet plat forms and government policies. Keywords: Marketing strategy, Internet marketing performance, competitiveness

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