Implementation of Agile Methodology in Public Sector


The purpose of this thesis is to identify the drawbacks and positives of agile methodology in public sector projects. This paper will help provide the business groups the solution to overcome any issues with agile for any of the development processes within the Public sector. This assignment will help us see the results of adoption of agile by various business groups within the public sector where it is been implemented. The idea of fast paced development with set goals and deadlines have transformed how the implementation works as compared to traditional methods in Public sector. Agile methodology has always focused on product and quality but at the same time compromising on security and risks. The other factors such as continuous development of the product lead to minimized efforts in testing. This paper will explain the various methods of how the information was collected, how the team transitioned into an agile environment, what were the results of this transition amongst the team within the public sector. Thus, the idea of adoption of agile v/s traditional model for software projects in the Public sector will be explored

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