Exploratory Research on Organizations’ Behavior towards Training Programs: a Case of Pakistan


This study aimed at to investigate the organizations’ behavior towards training programs and to examine the impact of employees training on organization performance. This study used non-probabilistic sampling technique, particularly convenience, judgmental and quota sampling techniques were applied. The total sample size for this study was 246 (n=246) respondents. The data was analyzed by using inferential statistics; particularly the One Sample t-test and Simple Linear Regression techniques were implemented. The results of One Sample t-test revealed the negative attitude of banking industry of Pakistan about employees training programs. Specifically respondents believed that, banking industry of Pakistan is not conducting extensive training programs for their employees, very few employees normally go through formal training programs, there is no any formal performance appraisal mechanism to identify the training needs, the cutting age knowledge and skills are not imparted to employees periodically, training needs identified are not realistic, useful and not based on the business strategy of the organizations. Moreover, employees in the banking industry of Pakistan believe that their organizations show resistance to provide training and show the reluctance to invest in the employees training and skills development programs. Furthermore, this study concluded a strong positive impact of the employees training on organization performance. Keywords: Employees Training, Organization Performance, Organization Behavior, Organization’s resistanc

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