Two-years surveillance of fungal contamination in three hospital departments in Campania Region


A two-years (2003-2005) fungal environmental surveillance was carried out in three departments of a hospital in Campania region (Surgery, Intensive Care Unit, Obstetrics and Gynaecology). Four operating theatres rooms and their relative areas of service and support, 4 patient rooms of intensive care unit, 1 delivery room, 1 labour room and 1 nursery of Obstetrics and Gynaecology were checked. Atotal of 12,120 surfaces and 2,904 air samples were collected in 24 monthly determinations. A seasonal variation in the fungal development was observed, in particular the lowest level of air and surface fungi contamination was found in winter and autumn whereas it was higher in spring and summer. In this study 30 fungal species were identified and, among these, the most frequent specie isolated was the Aspergillus spp. The results show an air contamination, expressed in percentage of positive determinations for Aspergillus spp, and the other fungi in the following percentages: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (25% and 33,3%); Intensive Care Unit (17% and 25%); Surgery (12.5% and 21%). For surfaces contamination it was found: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (67% and 75%); Intensive Care Unit (63% and 71%); Surgery (58.3% and 67%). This study shows that in the departments observed environmental fungi contamination is always present and therefore it would be necessary to apply environmental surveillance procedure and monitor the effectiveness

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