Bangor\u27s Industrial Parks: City of Bangor, Maine, Planning Board and Industrial Development Department, 1958


Modern industrlal management wants to avoid the inherent dlfflcultles of city locations, parking, crowding and lack of growth space, and stilI maintain the advantages of a ready labor market and of transportation that the city provides. Space for one story plants, off street parking and loading, and future expansion are relatively impossible to find in any decent sized city. The large city is by its very nature a crowded, densely populated area. Only a planned industrial park site can offer management what it wants. When he chooses to move into an industrial park an industrial manager can be assured that he has the needed facilities and the needed zoning protection to operate efficiently. Most important of all the industrial park offers the industrialist elbow room and freedom of expansion within a planned industrial community. The advantages are not aiI on the side of the industrialist. By developing a large piece of land, Bangor can segregate industrial activity into one location which can be better control led and serviced. By controlllng the area through zoning and restrictive covenants better and more stable firms can be attracted to the area with a beneficial result on the economic base of the community. Control of architectural and structural design can result in an aesthetlcally pleasing industrial park which would be an asset to the City of Bangor. Includes several maps and photographs.

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